• Couples Counseling

    Couples Counseling

    You made a commitment to love and cherish your partner. Now you are not so sure. You may have thought or felt the following:

    • I think I married the wrong person.
    • I wish I could go back in time and undo my marriage vows.
    • I feel so alone and am tired of fighting.
    • I can’t sleep at night because I am not sure if I should stay married or get a divorce.
    • My spouse/partner does not understand me and when I try to talk to him/her it always ends up in a fight.
    • We are like roommates and we have no passion.
    • I feel hopeless.

    If you sometimes think those thoughts and feel those feelings, know that you are not alone. The anger and loneliness does not have to continue. I help couples find peace and unity in their relationship. I help couples overcome their difficulties, learn to forgive and rebuild trust, and improve communication.

    I utilize marriage building techniques that enable your spouse/partner to hear what you have to say and verbalize understanding. We work together to accept the limitations of what cannot be undone or changed and move on to a positive, loving and compassionate united relationship.

    If you are unsure if you want to stay in the relationship, I offer discernment counseling to help you clarify your emotions and thoughts and sort out the solution. I can’t make the decision for you, but I can offer you an unbiased opinion and highlight logical and emotional themes.

    Help is a phone call away. Give me a call at +1 (507) 310-1321.